Wednesday, September 13, 2006



There are some of us that get hung up in the performance game. You might understand -- we perform in order to get the approval and acceptance of others. It can be at work or even with our friends and family. We find ourselves in the trap of "If I do this or that, they will accept me." This kind of behavior can be life-dominating bondage just like an addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography and tobacco. The cycle of trying to gain the acceptance of others can be physically and emotionally exhausting.

Some one us even try to DO for God so that we can gain His approval and acceptance. We fall into the trap of serving HIM to GET rather than because we LOVE Him. I love the words of this wonderful hymn. It puts acceptance in the right perspective. Allow the truth to sink into your heart this morning. Acceptance is not about what YOU can do for Him -- it is what HE did for you.

"In the Beloved" accepted am I,
Risen, ascended, and seated on high;
Saved from all sin thro' His infinite grace,
With the redeemed ones accorded a place.

"In the Beloved," God's marvelous grace
Calls me to dwell in this wonderful place;
God sees my Saviour and then He sees me
"In the Beloved," accepted and free.

"In the Beloved"- how safe my retreat,
In the Beloved accounted complete;
"Who can condemn me?" In Him I am free,
Saviour and Keeper forever is He.

"In the Beloved" I went to the tree,
There, in His Person, by faith I may see
Infinite wrath rolling over His head,
Infinite grace, for He died in my stead."

Rejoice today, my friend, that you are ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED.

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