Tuesday, August 01, 2006



I am thankful for the way God is at work in people's hearts, especially in the lives of the men who are in the Colony of Mercy, our 120-day residential program for men. One of our recent grads, now serves in our internship program. Chris did not grow up in any church. Has never been to church and at 34, his first exposure to church was when he came to the program.

During his time he, he trusted Christ as Savior, and what a transformation that is taking place. But the thing that has been so cool is to see the GROWTH that has occurred as the HOLY SPIRIT does HIS work in teaching Chris. It thrills me because that is exactly what Jesus told the disciples the role of the Holy Spirit would be in our lives: "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things that I send to you." (John 14:20) The Holy Spirit is STILL doing HIS job, even though there are some who believe that post-moderns and busters, etc. can't handle truth like we used to! Some 2000 years since Jesus spoke those words, the HOLY SPIRIT is teaching and guiding.

As we prepare our hearts to worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit on this Lord's day, reflect on this words from one of the prayers of the Puritans:


O God the Holy Spirit,

That which I know not, teach me,
Keep me a humble disciple in the school of Christ,
Learning daily there what I am in myself,
a fallen sinful creature,
justly deserving everlasting destruction;
O let me never lose sight of my need of a Savior,
or forget that apart from Him I am nothing,
and can do nothing.
Open my understanding to know the Holy Scriptures;
Reveal to my soul the counsels and works of the blessed Trinity;
Instill into my dark mind the saving knowledge of Jesus;
Make me acquainted with his covenant undertaking,
and his perfect fulfillment of them,
that by resting on his finished work,
I may find the Father's love in the Son,
his Father, my Father,
and may be brought through Your influence
to have fellowship with the Three in One.
O lead me into all Truth, Spirit of wisdom and revelation,
that I may know the things that belong unto my peace,
and through you be made new.
Make practical upon my heart the Father's love
as you have revealed it in the Scriptures;
Apply to my soul the blood of Christ, effectually, continually,
and help me to believe, with conscience comforted,
that it cleanses from all sin;
Lead me from faith to faith, that I may at all times have freedom
to a reconciled Father,
And may be able to maintain peace with Him
against doubts, fears, corruptions, temptations.
Your office is to teach me to draw near to Christ with a pure heart,
steadfastly persuaded of his love
in the full assurance of faith.
Let me never falter in this way.

Good prayer for this Lord's Day.

Have a great day IN CHRIST!

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