Tuesday, August 08, 2006



Most people have heard the name Charles Haddon Spurgeon, one of the great preachers from England who pastored the Metropolitan Tabernacle. But little is known about his wife, a woman who greatly supported her husband and his work despite physical challenges and difficulties. Mrs. Spurgeon also was committed to helping pastors, missionaries and lay leaders through her book fund.

Today's Freedom Fighter comes from her writings. It was an encouragement to me today and I share it with you:

"You know my downsitting and my rising up, you understand my thoughts afar off . . . " Psalm 139:2

"YOU KNOW. Come my soul, here is a test as to your present spiritual condition! Will you apply it? Will you be weighed in the balance of the sanctuary, and see whether or not you are found wanting? Does your Lord's intimate knowledge of your every thought, and desire, and action, oppress and disconcert you, or are you willing and glad to live under such close inspection, and even to covet the glances of that eye which searches your through and through?

Nothing but 'full assurance of faith' in the precious blood shed for you on Calvary can give you this boldness. Happy are you, my soul, if you know that God 'looks through Jesus' wounds on you, and through those wonderful ruby windows sees you so changed and beautiful that he can say, 'You are all fair, my love there is not spot in you.'

MY SITTING DOWN AND MY RISING UP. Lord, do you love me so much as to watch tenderly over me in such small matters? How the thought comforts me! We do not care about the details of everyday life of strangers: but when we love anyone very dearly, we take great interest in all that concerns them; and even so, my God, this searching, knowing, understanding, compassing, besetting, laying of your hand upon me, are all most precious tokens to me of your indescribable love.

How watchful and careful should this knowledge make me! 'My sitting down and my rising up!' My home life! My daily duties both of work and of leisure. My going out and my coming in, my conduct and bearing under all circumstances! How these are gathered into the compass of those five words! Lord, help me to walk worthy of you, unto all pleasing!

YOU UNDERSTAND MY THOUGHTS FROM AFAR. What infinite knowledge! Well may the psalmist say, 'It is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain to it!' BEFORE I think, God knows my thought! O my soul, are not your thoughts the source of most of your grievous perplexities and sorrows? They are often so unruly and rebellious, sometimes so unholy and profane, that all your efforts to bring them into captivity to the law of Christ are unavailing! Then, see where your help lies.

The God who understands your thoughts 'from afar" has the power to restrain them; no, more than that; before they reach you, while they are yet distant and unexpressed, he will purify and cleanse them, so that they shall enter your heart as angel whispers, and pass your lips only as words of love and blessing.

Dear Master, I make your servant David's prayer my very own and say, 'Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." from MORNING DEVOTIONS BY SUSANNAH SPURGEON -- FREE GRACE AND DYING LOVE, published by our good friends at THE BANNER OF TRUTH TRUST.

Great quote: Lord, for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray; Keep me, my God, from stain of sin just for today. Let me both diligently work, And duly pray. Let me be kind in word and deed, Just for today. Let me be slow to do my will, Prompt to obey; Help me to sacrifice myself Just for today. And if today my tide of life should ebb away, Give me thy sacraments divine, Sweet Lord today. So for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray, But keep me, guide me, love me, Lord, Just for today.
- Augustine

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