Tuesday, August 01, 2006



Yesterday I received a treasure from one of my friends who is now in her nineties. She believes that she is going home to be with the Lord and has been giving away some of her possessions. I was given her Bible -- her friend and companion for these many years. You can learn so much about a person by looking at in their Bible. For the next couples of days, I want to share some of the precious nuggets that I have found within the pages of her Bible.

Here is a poem pasted into the flyleaf of her Bible:

"Now, said this Book to me,
Open my pages and you shall see
Jewels of wisdom and treasures fine
Gold and silver in every line
And you may claim them if you will
Open my pages and take your fill.

Open my pages and run them o'er
Take what you choose of my golden store
Be you greedy, I shall not care
All that you seize I shall gladly spare
There is never a lock on my treasure door
Come, here are my jewels make them YOURS.

I have just been a book on your shelf
But I can be part of your living self
If only you'll travel my pages thru
Then I will travel the whole world with you.

As two wines blended make better wine (not a good Keswick phrase!!!)
Blend your mind with these truths of mine.
I'll make you better to talk with men,
I'll touch with silver the lines you pen.
I'll lead you nearer the truth you seek
I'll strengthen you when your faith grows weak
This place on the shelf has been a prison cell
Let me come into your mind to dwell.

Make THE BOOK live to me, O Lord.
Instill with my heart, dear Lord,
A deep desire to know Your Word;
I want to learn to hear YOUR voice
And always make YOUR will my choice.

Good words to consider today. Well this has been an exciting week at America's KESWICK and I want to make you an offer that will be hard to refuse. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung has been sharing God's Word in light of Bible prophecy and this is a series that you don't want to miss. I am willing to give to my Freedom Fighter friends, a set of CD's (8 messages) but ask that you consider a gift to the ministry to help us this summer with the many expenses we face. Here is how it will work . . . If you will respond to this email, we will send you the CD's and it will then be between you and the Lord to send your gift. I am telling you ... this is a "must hear" series for every believer. I look forward to hearing from you today. To order your CD's ... simply respond to this email. Your gift will be much appreciated. Thanks.

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