Tuesday, July 11, 2006



Advertisers have been using subliminal advertising techniques for years to cause people to go out and buy their products. When I was working on the staff at Sandy Cove, one of our staff members would head to the vending machine room right before a big group check-in and put a bag a popcorn in the microwave. The smell would soon waft its way into the lobby and before you knew it, people were heading to the vending machine room to buy a bag of popcorn.

Since I struggle in the area of food, just the thoughts of certain foods can make be hungry. The more I think about it -- hmmmm -- what food does that for you? A crispy cream donut? A gelati at Rita's? A steak at Charlie Browns? Right now a good donut and a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee are causing my stomach to rumble.

The real question this morning is are you hungry and thirsty for the only ONE that can satisfy the hunger and thirst of your soul? Those hunger and thirst pangs are there and we so try to fill them with other stuff rather than run to the only ONE who can take care of the longing of our soul. Listen to some verses of Scripture that were a part of my daily quiet time this morning:

HE satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. You have TASTED that the LORD is gracious. O God, You are my God; eagerly will I seek You; my soul THIRSTS for YOU; my flesh LONGS for YOU in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for YOU in the sanctuary, to see YOUR power and YOUR glory. My soul LONGS for YOU, yes even FAINTS for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the LIVING GOD. (Psalm 107:9; 1 Peter 2:3; Psalm 63:1-2; Psalm 84:2).

My friend, HE IS THE ONE who can quench the thirst of your soul. HE IS THE ONE who can satisfy the hunger in your heart. Thousands of men are using internet porn to fill their hungry souls. Others use drugs and alcohol. Allow HIM to fill you today. Get in the Word this morning and allow Him to fill you with HIS presence. You will be filled and satisfied, desiring more and more of HIM -- and He is carb and calorie free!!!

Good words for you to consider today. God bless.

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