Monday, July 10, 2006



Grandparenting and gardening have a lot in common. Last week I had an opportunity to spend a couple of hours with my grandson, Tanner, and my granddaughter, Lindsay. It has only been a few weeks since I have seen them, but I was amazed and how much they have grown. Tanner's vocabulary has increased and his little brain is going a mile a minute. And Lindsay, just born several weeks ago, has already grown and changed in appearance.

Our daughter Julie is expecting in September with our third grandchild, and we have had the fun of watching Emma grow and seeing her growth through ultra-sound pictures. Growth is important in the development of our kids.

I have enjoyed gardening more and more each year (I'm getting old!) and this year we expanded our garden. I don't really know where my head was, but we put in over 18 tomato plants. The area that we are using for our garden is our old chicken yard. Last year the chicken were running around and, well let's just say, that chicken droppings makes the best fertilizer. At the end of our garden last summer, Zach and I tossed the rotten tomatoes into the old chicken yard as they love vegetables. So guess what -- we have 10 or 12 additional tomato plants that I didn't plant.

In mid-June we went to Minnesota for a visit and before I left, I used Miracle Gro on my garden plants. During our time away, one of our maintenance guys who cares for our grounds, decided that he should put stuff on my plants to help them grow. The result? Tomatoes on steroids. I have plants that are taller than me with very thick stems and they are loaded with tomatoes.

Like babies and tomatoes, we should be growing in our walk with the Lord. Peter prayed that we would "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18). One of the ways we grow is to be fertilized with the WORD OF GOD. That's why it is so important for you to spend time each day in God's WORD.
The MIRACLE GRO of God's WORD will help you grow and mature into the man that God wants you to be. As my good friend, Dr. John DeBrine, host of the daily radio program SONGTIME says, "If we don't grow, we will groan!"

Are you growing in your spiritual life? If not, purpose today to get into the Word and allow it to fertilize your life.

We all have met them. People who claim that they don't believe that God even exists. How do we reach them? Dr. Ron Rhodes shares how we can effectively reach atheists and agnostics on this weeks KESWICK TODAY broadcasts. Listen in right from our website:

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