Friday, June 09, 2006

"Whoever is simple, let him turn in here"

"Whoever is simple, let him turn in here"

Proverbs 9:4&16

We see this phrase twice in the chapter 9. Yesterday we learned that
Lady Wisdom is better than anything else we might want. She stands
"where the paths meet" to help us choose between right and wrong,
between prudence and foolishness.

Today Proverbs confronts us with the two paths: the way of wisdom and
the way of foolishness. Both cry for our attention. Both initially
look attractive. Both make offers that seem appealing. Freedom
Fighters, this lesson in living life skillfully, must take root in your

The choices you make have consequences. The voices that hold your
attention will either protect you or destroy you. Before we go on,
let's make sure we understand. Each of us is "simple." We're not
prepared to make wise choices by ourselves. We need this lesson!

Notice vs. 4. Whoever is simple, let him turn in here. Wisdom asks us
to take her path and promises to multiply our days and add years to our
lives if we do. (vss. 6&11)

The invitation comes to us again in vs. 16, but it's offered by "a
foolish woman." She tells us that what she offers us is "sweet" and
"pleasant." Many who read this have taken her path. It just looks more
appealing than Lady Wisdom's path.

The contrast couldn't be more huge! Lady Wisdom offers us life,
understanding and knowledge. The Foolish Woman offers us a little
pleasure that carries with it the sting of death. Read Proverbs 9:18
and let it reverberate through your mind the next time you stand "where
the paths meet."

Freedom Fighters love truth and avoid lies at all costs. Grasp once and
for all this truth. The way of foolishness is a lie! It has always
been, and it will always be. It is never what it appears to be, and it
is always worse than we can imagine.

The way of wisdom keeps you in the light. The way of foolishness keeps
you in the dark so you can't see how bad it is. Believe Solomon when he
tells you that you don't want to walk the way of foolishness. Accept
Lady Wisdom's invitation today, tomorrow and every day for the rest of
your life.

Don't forget: You have two invitations. Only one of them offers you
life worth living.

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