Thursday, June 08, 2006


"To you, O men, I call, and my voice is to the sons of men. O you simple ones, understand prudence, and you fools, be of an understanding heart." Proverbs 8:4&5

Proverbs 8 personifies wisdom as the opposite of the foolish woman we see in chapters 7 and 9. She speaks to men, all men, inviting them to hear her . . . to discover her benefits for their lives. The men who need to hear her are simple and foolish. Those to whom Solomon wrote were not unlike you and me. Even those of us who truly follow Jesus have those moments when we act imprudently and foolishly. Would any of us ever struggle with life-dominating assaults if we weren't sometimes imprudent and foolish?

Two things stand out in my reading of this chapter. First, I notice where this lady (wisdom) stands. She stands "where the paths meet." (vs. 2) Think of her as standing at the place in our lives where we decide to act wisely or foolishly, prudently or imprudently. She stands "where the paths meet" and tells us that she (wisdom) is better than rubies and that any other thing we might want can't compare with her. (vs. 11)

Do you get the picture? You and I are standing where the paths to wisdom and foolishness (trouble!) meet. We have to decide. The foolish choice looks really good. Or, the foolish choice feels really good. Or, the foolish choice tastes really good, but it's still foolish. Lady Wisdom stands in the middle of the two intersecting paths. She cries out to us, "I'm better than all those other choices! I'll help you and make your life better."

Have you heard her voice when standing "where the paths meet?" I have. I wish I could tell you that I've always listened and chosen the right path. Like many who'll read this, I haven't always made the right choice. I can tell you that I'm more committed to hearing Lady Wisdom than anytime in my life. Even those of us who are slow learners can still get it! We can still hear her voice. We can still choose her over all the other things that will only do us harm. I invite you to join me in choosing to listen for Lady Wisdom.

Don't forget: God places Lady Wisdom "where the paths meet" in your life to protect you from poor decisions. (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist Toms River)

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