Saturday, June 03, 2006



Then you will walk safely in your way, And your foot will not stumble. Proverbs 3:22

I'm bypassing two of the most familiar verses in all the Bible today. (See Proverbs 3:5&6) Another line of wisdom from this chapter jumps out at me today. It's especially appropriate for a Freedom Figther since many who fight for freedom from sin and/or addictions need to know safety. It's easy to live in fear when we want to resist sin and temptation but know intimately the frustration of continuing failure.

Solomon tells us we can walk safely through the land mines on the landscape of our lives. Some of you probably doubt that; your experience tells you otherwise. Maybe you just need a new experience.

Back up with me and look at Proverbs 3:19-22. The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; By understanding He established the heavens; By His knowledge the depths were broken up, And clouds drop down the dew. My son, let them not depart from your eyes-Keep sound wisdom and discretion; So they will be life to your soul And grace to your neck.

Understanding, knowledge, wisdom and discretion recur frequently in Proverbs. We need close acquaintance with these character qualities. In the verses you just read, Solomon gives us the key to safety. As we keep sound wisdom and discretion before our eyes (perhaps by reading God's word regularly?), they bring life and safety to us.

We must learn these lessons to live safely. We don't know on our own how to live free. Only God can build into our lives genuine freedom that brings true safety. He is the one who, by teaching us wisdom and discretion, can bring us away from danger into sure safety. It's a safety that lets us sleep without fear and address danger with confidence.

All of us have failed somewhere along the journey. Solomon convinces me that choosing to keep wisdom and discretion in the fear of the Lord (vs. 7) before our eyes can change us. Instead of knowing a little victory with much failure, we can be men who know much victory with little failure.

Don't forget: Safety for the journey is ours if we'll have it! (written by Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

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