Friday, June 02, 2006


Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:5

Yesterday we thought about the fear of the Lord (1:1), and we defined it as a reverent, humble and obedient attitude toward God. It is the beginning of knowledge, particularly the knowledge we need to live lives marked by victory over sin. We also considered vs. 29 and learned that some choose not to pursue this very healthy fear.

Today we come to Proverbs 2 and see the fear of the Lord in play again. How does it become a part of our lives? How can this fear of the Lord begin to change the way we think and how we make choices? Solomon tells us in vs.5 and the verses that precede it. Take time to read vss. 1-5. Watch the progression. My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you. . . .

Some choose not to pursue the fear of the Lord. We know that already. Solomon also lets us know what happens if we make the other choice-to discover the fear of the Lord and its benefit for our lives. If we receive God's words and apply them to our lives we're on the right track.

But there's more. Notice vs. 4: If you seek her (wisdom) as silver, And search for her as hidden treasure. . . . Too many of us want something to happen to us, some experience that just comes out of the sun and makes us different. It doesn't work that way. We'll not discover the fear of the Lord and its power by sitting around waiting.

Proverbs 2:1-5 lets us know that we have to do at least three things. We have to listen to God's Word in a positive way-hoarding it in our hearts and minds as valuable treasure. We also have to cry out for discernment (the ability to choose the best thing among multiple choices). Then we have to search for God's wisdom with and energy and passion. We pursue it as though it were buried treasure.

Grasping the fear of the Lord comes by listening, crying out and searching. As God brings wisdom, discernment and understanding to our minds and hearts, we will experience the fear of the Lord. We'll see reverence, humility and obedience develop in our lives. Steadily, we'll see change occur that makes victory the norm and failure abnormal.

Don't forget: Listen . . . cry out . . . search . . . and you'll understand the fear of the Lord.

Today's Freedom Fighter is a part of a 30-day series written by my good friend, Pastor John Strain, First Baptist of Toms River, New Jersey.

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