Monday, May 22, 2006



Having three of our kids pregnant is going to get interesting. They are all have their unique cravings for food right now. And being that I am still on this journey with my weight, I still have cravings for several things. In fact, after four years of this, I still crave those dumb Pepperidge Farm Gold Fish! And right now, the thoughts of a "Chunky" candy bar could push me over the edge.

Webster defines craving as "an intense desire for." What is it in your life that you crave? In my reading of Proverbs today (Amplified Bible) 21:21 (I am a day behind) jumped off the page: "He who earnestly seeks after and craves righteousness, mercy, and loving-kindness will find life in addition to righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God) and honor."

The footnote for his verse led me to Matthew 5:6: "Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied! Matthew 6:33: "But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be give you besides."

If today you are IN CHRIST -- you have been clothed in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and you are "right with God." Your righteousness are described in Isaiah, as filthy rags. Because of what Christ did on the cross for you, when God the Father looks down at you, He does not see you -- He sees Christ. Isn't that an awesome truth. Because of Christ, we have a right standing with God the Father.

But as we are growing IN CHRIST, are desire is to live a life THROUGH CHRIST that is pleasing to Him. Where we once craved sin, we now crave a life of purity and integrity in our walk. We look at life from a different perspective. Our new identity IN CHRIST causes us to act, speak, and think, very differently. I need to step back and ask the question: WHAT AM I CRAVING TODAY? Is it the desires of the flesh or is it RIGHTEOUSNESS, MERCY, and LOVING-KINDNESS?

Here's a suggestion: If you find yourself craving something today, take a moment to stop and talk to the Lord about it. Rather than seeking "it," why not seek HIM!

Good inventory questions for us to ask as we begin this new week. My friend, what are you craving today?

Thought for today: "When God is your Father, He never stops being your Father. To put it in theological language, not only is your justification (being saved) by grace, your sanctification (becoming more like Christ) is by grace too. The trouble is that most Christians think they're saved by grace but grow by sweat. Many of us believe that when we were saved, God took our slate filled with sin and rebellion and wiped it clean. That's a lie...Listen! God took our slate and He broke it in pieces and threw it away. He does not deal with His family by keeping track on a slate of how we are doing. The slate is irrelevant because of the blood of Christ." Steve Brown, When Being Good Isn't Good Enough

This week on Keswick Today, Dr. Scott Turanksy and JoAnne Miller share insights into parenting from their new book PARENTING IS HEART WORK. Listen right from our website:

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