Wednesday, May 24, 2006



"Everyone who has deeply walked with God knows that humility is the foundation that you build your spiritual life on. True humility comes from seeking the interests of God before your own. Humility comes in no longer living for yourself but in letting Jesus Christ live His life in/through you.

You are always trying to 'be something' or to be noticed for your spirituality. There are a lot of people who have an OUTWARD spirituality, but inwardly they still think too much of themselves. People who think they are lowering themselves have a lot of conceit. They think they are doing others a favor in 'getting down to their level.'

True humility is not like this. I know it sounds incredible but a truly humble person is content in ALL situations. He doesn't notice if he is being praised or blamed, and isn't always weighing if what is being said to him, or about him, is to his advantage. A simple person allows himself to be led by the Lord Jesus.

So let go of yourself with courage. Whether God lifts you up or lets you remain unknown, the glory is still all HIS!" from FENELON -- THE SEEKING HEART.

"Humble yourselves [feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and HE will exalt you [He will lift you up and make your lives significant]." James 4:10 The Amplified Bible

THOUGHT: "Peace of heart lies in perfect resignation to the will of God. What you need is true simplicity, a certain calmness of spirit which comes from entire surrender to all that God wills, patience and toleration for your neighbor's faults, and a certain candor and childlike docility in acknowledging your own faults. The trouble you feel about so many things comes from your not accepting everything which may happen to you, with sufficient resignation to God. Put all things, then, in His hands, and offer them beforehand to Him in your heart, as a sacrifice. From the moment when you cease to want things to be according to your own judgment, and accept unconditionally whatever He sends, you will be free from all your uneasy retrospect's and anxieties about your own concerns." Francois Fenelon

Join us at America's KESWICK for our Memorial Day Weekend conference with Drs. Jamie Mitchell and Les Ayars. For information about the weekend conference, visit our website:

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