Tuesday, April 18, 2006


The mind is a powerful tool. Several weeks ago we had a weekend retreat
and one of our friends suggested on Friday evening that we go out on
Saturday night to Friendly's to get banana splits. Having been on a
"diet" for the past several years, banana splits were not a part of the
program. But guess what -- for the next 24 hours all I thought about was
getting a big delicious banana split with all the toppings.

For years advertisers have used subliminal advertising especially at the
movie theaters. Did you ever notice how they will flash ads about the
popcorn and soda throughout the commercials. Before you know it, people
begin to go back to the concession stand.

When I worked at Sandy Cove, the vending machine area was close to the
Front Desk. One of our maintenance guys loved to put a bag of microwave
popcorn on just as the guests were checking in. You've got it. You can't
escape the smell of hot popcorn. People started thinking about it and
would head to the vending area.

The writer of Proverbs says: "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he .
. ." (Proverbs 23:7) It has been proven over and over that you and I
become what we think. The bottom line is that we become what we think.
What our mind dwells on often becomes reality.

Have you ever had a toothache? The more you think about it, the worse
the pain gets. When I go to the doctor and get a prescription, Jan
always grabs the bag so that I don't get to read the side-effects. If I
think about those side effects . . . well, I would get every one of

When my Mom was diagnosed with a reoccurrence of cancer, her doctor told
her to go home and get her house in order as she only had six months to
live. She went to Cancer Treatment Center of America for a second
opinion and asked the doctor how much time she had. His immediate
response was this: "How the heck do I know . . . there is only One
person who knows that -- God!" He went on to explain to her that
research has proven that when a person is told a time frame when they
are sick, the mind is so powerful that they believe that it is true and
the body is affected, and almost always, the person dies within the time
frame that they have been given. My mother died 5 months and 28 days

The Apostle Paul reminded the church at Philippi that they needed to
guard their thinking. Instead of being anxious about everything, he
encouraged them "through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to
make their requests known to God" which would result them experiencing
God's peace that would guard both their hearts and minds. (Philippians

He gave them specific direction to guide their thinking: "Finally,
brethren, whatever is TRUE, whatever is HONORABLE, whatever is PURE,
whatever is lovely, whatever is of GOOD REPUTE, if there is anything
worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on THESE things." (Philippians

Someone has said if you THINK you are a failure -- you will be a
failure. If you THINK you are junk -- that is what you will become.
Think about the that area of your life where you struggle with sin, and
before you know it, you are ensnared again. Sin begins in our minds!

Today you need to check out what you are thinking -- maybe today is a
good day for you to memorize Philippians 4:8 and reprogram you mind to
think God's way. Some of us need to start "taking our thoughts captive
to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5b).

So . . . what are you thinking about today? What is occupying your mind?

There is still time for you to take advantage of our special FREEDOM
FIGHTER special for this weekend. Come and enjoy the beauty of God's
creation at America's KESWICK. Call today for information and rates.
Don't wait -- call today -- 800-453-7942.

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