Tuesday, April 11, 2006



Years ago when I was a student at Philadelphia College of the Bible (now
Philadelphia Biblical University), we were assigned to read a little
book entitled, MY HEART -- CHRIST'S HOME. While it has been over 30
years that I read this little book, the impact of its message is as
fresh as it was when it was read.

The message of the book is this ... when we invite the crucified Christ
into our lives, He wants EVERY part of us! The word picture is
thought-provoking. Christ wants to come to our "heart-home" and we are
willing to invite him into our living room. He sits there for a while,
then wants to go with us to the dining room and kitchen. Everything is
fine -- until He asks to go upstairs. Now he wants to go into our
bedroom. After inspecting most of our heart-house, He notices a closet.
Looking into your eyes, He says, "Please open the door and let me in

Most of us have them in our houses or offices. There is some closet or
drawer that we have stuffed to the max. When company or friends come for
a visit, we are willing to let them have access to every area of our
homes, but please -- that closet or drawer is off limits. Is it off
limits to your kids? Your spouse? No one knows but YOU what is hidden in
the closet.

For some of us, there is stuff hidden in an actual physical closet or
drawer. For some it might be pornography -- magazines, videos or other
offensive materials. It may not be in a physical closet -- but it might
be stored on your computer where no one but you can find it. Christ
wants access to that area of your life -- because of His death on the
Cross, He invites you to open that area of your heart to Him.

For others, the closet is in your mind -- You've stuffed all kinds of
"stuff" in there -- lustful thoughts, fantasies, things that you would
be ashamed of if they were to be exposed! Christ wants access to that
area of your life. He wants to free you from the junk that is there. He
wants to work with you to clean out that closet of your mind and bring

Oswald Chambers said: "the Holy Spirit cannot be accepted as a guest in
merely one room of the house -- He invades all of it. And once I decide
that my "old man" should be identified with the death of Jesus, the Holy
Spirit invades me. He takes charge of everything. My part is to walk in
the light and to obey all that He reveals to me. Once I have made that
important decision about sin, it is easy to "reckon" that I am actually
"dead to sin," because I find the life of Jesus in me all the time
(Romans 6:11) . . . God puts the holiness of His Son into me, and I now
belong to a new spiritual order."

If He comes today to do a house inspection or wants to come for a visit
-- will you give him complete access to every area of your heart-home?
Think about it today!

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