Wednesday, April 12, 2006



I have been meditating on the events leading up to the Cross and have
been thinking through what Christ experienced and went through for me.
Jesus had just left a very intimate gathering with the disciples in the
upper room and moves to the garden of Gethsemane. The One who seemed so
confident and comforting in the upper room with his disciples now seems
to come unglued in the garden. He is in agony. His emotions are raw.
Physically and emotionally, He is in upheaval. Why?

C. J. Maheny in his book, LIVING THE CROSS CENTERED LIFE reminds us that
"in this garden, our Savior is beginning to confront as never before the
ultimate and deepest agony of Calvary -- an agony that will go
infinitely BEYOND any physical aspects of suffering. For Jesus, the
Cross will bring incomparable and unprecedented suffering -- not just
physical -- but suffering of wrath and abandonment."

Jesus is laying prostrate on the ground crying out to HIS Father -- the
One with whom He has had fellowship with -- unbroken fellowship with for
all eternity. His cry, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You.
Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."

Why is he is so much agony? What is it about this cup that troubles him
to the point of sweating drops of blood? Isaiah 51:17 tells us that this
cup in God's extended hand is the "cup of His wrath!" Mahaney says "this
cup contains the full vehemence and fierceness of God's holy wrath
poured out against all sin, and we discover in Scripture that it's
intended for all of sinful humanity to drink. It's your cup and mine . .
. It is filled with 'fire and sulphur and a scorching wind' like some
volcanic firestorm, like all the fury from Mount St. Helens eruption
concentrated within a coffee mug."

"What Jesus recoils from here is not the anticipation of the physical
pain associated with crucifixion. Rather it's a pain infinitely greater
-- the agony of being ABANDONED by His Father." Mahaney shares that one
commentator said Jesus entered the garden "to be with the Father for an
interlude before His betrayal, but found HELL rather than heaven opened
before Him. Knowing the hour for His death is fast approaching, Jesus
has come here in need as never before of HIS Father's comfort and
strength. Instead, hell -- utter separation from God -- is thrust in His

He receives no response ... He is willing to complete the will of His
Father and will drink the WHOLE cup for you and for me. Mahaney reminds
us that "Jesus has every right to turn His tearful eyes towards you and
me and shout, 'This is YOUR cup. You're responsible for this. It's YOUR
sin! YOU drink it!' Instead, Jesus freely takes it HIMSELF ... so that
from the cross He can look down at you and me, whisper our names, and
say, 'I drain this cup for you -- for you who have lived in defiance of
Me, who have hated Me, who have opposed Me. I drink it all for You."
Wow . . .

"O the love that drew salvation's plan -- O the grace the brought it
down to man -- O the mighty gulf that GOD did span -- AT CALVARY!
Contemplate today what HE experienced in the garden of Gethsemane for
YOU and ME!

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