Thursday, March 02, 2006



"Love does not depend on your feeling. Your will is what God wants from
you. Run your household in a godly way, raise your children properly,
and give up your empty pleasures. Seek to be simple, quiet and humble.
Let your life be hid with Christ in God. This is what God is after.

When God asks you for something, do not refuse Him. Learn to wait for
God. Do not move until He directs you. Each day will bring its own
problems. As you deal with them you will grow deeper and deeper in God.

Let your faith strengthen you. When you feel absolutely weak you will
discover a strength that is not your own. You will know that the
strength is not your own. And if you go astray for a little while, you
will learn humility as you return.

Your Lord lives in the center of your spirit. Return to him there as
much as you can. Surrender yourself to God and learn to live by Him
rather than out of your own strength. Little by little this learning to
live by your Lord's strength unfolds within you. No longer will you
cling to things you can see, but you will cling to God, within you, and
there you will find deep and true fellowship."

from Fenelon -- A SEEKING HEART -- available at the ONLINE KESWICK
BOOKSTORE -- or call 800-453-7942 and order from our live store.

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