Saturday, February 11, 2006



This is an email for men! Don't panic. Everyone of us has had at least
one woman in our life or we wouldn't be on the planet. If you didn't --
I'd sure like to know how you got here.

On Thursday, my associate and I went to visit the granddaughter of the
founder of America's KESWICK, Sister Ruth Raws. I believe that Solomon's
words describe this precious woman: "A woman of gentle grace gets
respect" (Proverbs 11:16 The Message).

I have had the privilege of watching this lady's life for the past 9+
years. She is 87 years old and has lived a full life having served in
the Armed Forces and on the mission field. She has been an incredible
prayer warrior and a woman whose who life has been spent in serving
others. Her gentle spirit has been a testimony to countless thousands
through the years.

She is also a wonderful prayer warrior who often puts her own needs and
problems behind her so that she can be praying for others and helping
them in their time of need.

Sister Ruth has been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer that is
spreading. We left her room today amazed at God's grace in her life
despite the face that she is facing some difficult days in the next
several weeks, and ultimately her going home to glory. Despite her
situation, the topics of her conversation centered around her concern
for others: nurses, friends at the retirement community where she lives,
family, and our staff at America's KESWICK.

Thank you, Sister Ruth, for modeling a life of gentle grace -- is it any
wonder that your family and friends love and respect you? May God grant
you His perfect peace in the midst of your storm. We love you.

If you would like to send a card to Sister Ruth Raws, you can send it
America's KESWICK

601 Route 530

Whiting, NJ 08759

Be sure to let her know that you are a member of the Freedom Fighter

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