Tuesday, February 28, 2006



"I am determined not merely to SURVIVE as a Christian, but to OVERCOME.
Too often my life has been a 'hanging in there' kind of thing, when
actually God has called me to be an OVERCOMER. Do I get into one scrape
after another and then say, 'Thank God I got out of that one alive'? Is
that all there is, getting out of things alive?

The secret of overcoming is ADEQUATE RESOURCES, and the secret of
adequate resources is tapping the infinite supply of God. I have been
struck with the poor widow's plight (2 Kings 4). She had little oil,
nothing more. Creditors were pressing her to sell her sons as slaves.
Elisha advised her to procure all the empty jars she could find, then
pour what little oil she into them one by one until each was full. Then
it happened!!! By some wondrous power the oil kept flowing until every
jar was full.

Where did the oil come from? Where else but the same place as the
loaves, the fish, the wine, the manna, and the thousand other things God
sent His poverty-stricken people! God was simply supplying out of HIS
storehouse that which was perfectly visible to HIM but not to them. If
only we could see God's infinite supply!

I am not an overcomer because I an not a taker. God's enormous
quantities are at my disposal if only I will claim them. The lack is not
with God, it is with me. I can grit it our with sheer determination and
scant faith, but I will never OVERCOME that way. God, let me believe
You, really believe You. for therein lies my ability to fight and
overcome, not merely exist. It is 'according to YOUR riches in glory
(Philippians 4:19). You measure supply; and according to our faith, You
allow that surely to be tapped."

from DAILY WITH THE KING, published by Moody Press and available in the
KESWICK BOOKSTORE (Online -- www.americaskeswick.org) or by calling our
bookstore (800-453-2942 ext 31)

Good words for you on this beautiful Tuesday, February 28, 2006.

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