Tuesday, February 14, 2006



Well yeah! I really can't stand her. She is big and stupid -- but she is
Zach's dog. Her name is Crystal and she is part German Shepherd and
Boxer. She is an offspring of our son and daughter-in-laws boxer. Her
father was supposed to be a boxer, but -- well you know what happens
sometimes -- Ruby was out roaming and a German Shepherd caught her fancy
(romantic story for Valentine's Day).

I REALLY can't stand this stupid dog, but Zach loves her --
unconditionally! She can annoy the tar out of him, but he loves her any
way. She's big, clumsy, and I did say stupid? Last night he put her
outside and normally she needs about 15 minutes to figure out what she
needs to do. Well he forgot her and a half hour later, he remembered
her. He went to the door and she wasn't there. He called and called --
no Crystal! She was gone.

Jan and Zach hopped in the car and drove the Keswick grounds. No
Crystal. Then Zach and I drove the grounds. Then Julie and I drove the
grounds. No Crystal. Zach was trying to hold it together -- and I was
torn. Part of me was thrilled, but the other part saw the love he had
for that dog and how it was breaking his heart that she was gone.

We were in the car, and we prayed together. Yep! That we would find that
stupid dog. I reminded Zach that God knew where EVERYTHING was --
nothing is hidden from His eye -- not the stars, the hairs on our heads,
the sparrows. He knew where Crystal was. Zach prayed a kids prayer. It
was precious. We went to bed and he was sad. Jan was praying. I was
praying. And around 12:01 -- one of our staff gals who was out walking
her SMART dog, found her!

Zach was half asleep when he heard us yell, "She's home!" His words
were, "Thank You, Jesus, You found her!"

Why is it that the kids have to be the ones to teach us the value of
prayer? He really BELIEVED that God would answer his prayer. This
morning I was reminded that "when the righteous cry for help, the Lord
hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near the
brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18.

Thanks, Lord, for answering the cry of our child, Zach. And now, that
big, stupid dog is fast asleep in her cage. Oh yeah -- she was chasing a
skunk -- glad Jan and Zach had to clean her up!!!

Happy Valentines Day!

Confused about what is going on our world right now? Listen to our
scholar-in-residence, Dr. Fred Hartman, as he shares insights this week
on the Keswick Today radio ministry. To hear the broadcast, visit our
website www.americaskeswick.org.

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