Thursday, February 16, 2006



One of Zach's favorite shows growing us was BEAR AND THE BIG BLUE HOUSE.
Every morning he'd watch Bear go through the ritual of preparing his
house for his friends. Bear would pick up a scent and begin sniffing and
say, "I smell something . . . and . . . it's YOU!

Our nose is an amazing organ. Did you ever notice that you can be
someplace and pick up a scent that takes you back to another place you
have been? We were just at another conference center on the weekend and
as we were walking around, there was a distinct smell that took me back
years ago to when I was a camper at Sandy Cove. Scientists tell us that
our noses are so incredible that its six million olfactory cells inside
of it can detect 10,000 separate odors and as many as a half-million
combination odors. Without this sense, we would not be able to tell
perfumes from poisons, the fragrance of a flower from the stench of a
dead animal, Coca Cola from 7-Up, or a gas leak from baked bread.

We have a friend of the ministry that before she was even near you, you
could smell her perfume a mile away . . . well not quite. It would be
funny as our staff would catch a whiff of the perfume, look at each
other and say, "So and so is here!"

I have been reading in my ONE YEAR BIBLE through the book of Exodus and
Leviticus as God gives Moses instructions about the building of the
tabernacle and the use of offerings. The incense that Moses was to make
was to made with the finest of spices and was to be a sweet aroma to the
Lord. The different sacrificial offerings were designed to be a soothing
aroma to the Lord.

As I was meditating on these truths this morning, I was reminded that we
are to present ourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1)
and was reminded that the fragrance of our lives does make an impression
on people. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth: "But thanks be to God
who always leads us in triumph IN CHRIST, and manifests THROUGH us the
sweet aroma of the knowledge of him. For we are a FRAGRANCE OF CHRIST to
God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;
to one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to
life." (2 Corinthians 2:14-16)

When you walk in the room how do you smell? Is your life a sweet aroma
that points people to Jesus? Good thoughts to ponder on this Thursday,
February 16, 2006.

Listen to Dr. Fred Hartman as he shares more today on Bible Prophecy on
KESWICK TODAY. You can pick up the broadcast by visiting our website:

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