Friday, February 17, 2006



"I will not forget, Lord, what the burning bush means. What did it mean
to Moses? Exactly what You said it would mean: 'This will be a sign to
you that it is I who have sent you' (Exodus 3:12 NIV).

A sign! How many times, Lord, have You spoken to me through a sign?
Possibly none of them was as dramatic and arresting as a bush that
burned and yet was not consumed. But signs nevertheless. For the
important thing about a sign is not what it IS but what it POINTS to.
And Your signs have pointed me to the same all-powerful One as the
burning-bush sign pointed to Moses. The God of the burning bush was to
become the God of the Exodus. And the God of the Exodus became the God
of the Red Sea deliverance.

Moses was able to do such marvelous exploits because He believed in that
kind of a God. And he believed in that kind of a God because of what he
saw at the burning bush. The bush-burning experience created a
FOUNDATION for Moses' faith. If God could do that --

All of God's actions are designed to build a platform underneath our
faith. That is why I must have a personal burning bush. Someone else's
experience is valuable to me only as an incentive. But that incentive
does nothing for me inwardly unless it leads me to a burning-bush
experience in which spiritual reality becomes conviction.

Every child of God needs his burning bush, the place where God is so
real he can no longer doubt, no longer equivocate, no longer rebel. He
will never be the same person afterward. His remaining life may have its
share of trials, burdens, and afflictions as Moses', but it also will
have its victories and triumphs. The burning-bush tells us of a God who
is so real that He dares us to doubt." from DAILY WITH THE KING --
published by Moody Press

"For I am confident of this very thing, that HE who began a good work in
you will perfect it until the day of Christ." (Philippians 1:6)

Good words for today. Visit our website to find out about our special
FREEDOM FIGHTER DAY!!! Don't miss it. --

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