Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Here is one more snippet from THE CRIMINALIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY for your consideration:

"A survey released by the Society for Adolescent Medicine indicates that 'about 84 percent of parents do not believe that their teenage children have ever had sex, but CDC data show that almost 50% of ninth through 12th graders age 14-18 are sexually active.'

Parent Lisa Gallego said that when her 15-year old daughter balked at putting a condom in her mouth, instructor Tony Escudero told her, 'Come on, sweetie, have a little fun.' The New Mexico Health Department is standing behind a sex education teacher in Santa Fe who encouraged ninth graders to taste flavored condoms . . . Also, Gallegos quotes her daughter as saying when a male student expressed his disgust with homosexual activity, Escudero said, 'Never say never, because you never know. Someday you might like it that way.'

Tennessee Sexuality Information and Education Council urged educators to prepare children to step into a new world: 'to do this they must pry children away from old views and values, especially from biblical and other traditional forms of sexual morality.'

The Center for Disease Control produced a book entitled REDUCING THE RISK for the public school system. Here is how they present the option of abstaining from sex:

"You could become a hermit, or so unpleasant that everyone stays clear of you. Or you could never become involved in a romantic relationship.""Abstinence-only programs force-feed students religious ideology that condemns homosexuality, masturbation, abortion, and contraception. In doing so, they endanger students' sexual health." -- Planned Parenthood

"No matter how much we guide our children within our families and within our churches, we are not stranger than the power of sexuality. The solution is to have parents of teens buy a box of 200 condoms and put them at a little-used location of the house . . . but where the teens
can find them. That way the kids won't be afraid to ask, and the parents won't know." -- Sharon Stone -- United Nations Conference on AIDS "Social workers in Winnipeg have begun handing out 'high-quality' crack pipes and instructions to addicts on the city's streets, part of a
harm-reduction strategy put in place by local health officials . . . The kits are not handed out to just anyone who asks, she stressed, but are given to crack cocaine users who have been assessed by trained social workers, who in many cases have had multiple interactions with those users . . ." According to the story, your "Safe Crack Use Kit" comes complete with metal screens, alcohol swabs (for those who do end up sharing), pipe cleaners, matches, lip balm, at least one condom, and information about where an addict can get help. Yes, smoking crack is illegal and dangerous. But some people are going to do it anyway . . . so why not help them commit illegal, self-destructive acts."


The prophet Ezekiel warned: "If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life on one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." --
Ezekiel 33:6

I strongly urge you to get a copy of this book so that you will be aware and informed of what is taking place in our country. We cannot afford to be ostriches with our heads in the sand. It is not too late -- we can make a difference. The book sells for $19.95 -- but I am making it available to our Freedom Fighter family for $15. To order a copy, respond to this email. We will mail your book and you can mail your check to my attention.

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