Monday, October 03, 2005


"On April 7, 1933, laws were passed in pre-World War 2 Germany . . . 400 hundred separate pieces of legislation enacted between 1933 and 1939 that defined, isolated, excluded, segregated, and impoverished German Jews.

Does this sound familiar? "Hitler turned Christmas and Easter into pagan holidays. Christmas became a pagan festival, and at least for the SS troops, its date was changed to Yuletide. Crucifixes were eliminated from classrooms, and Easter was turned into a holiday that heralded the arrival of spring. Carols and nativity plays were banned from schools. Sound vaguely familiar?

Signs saying 'Jews Unwelcome' were posted in public facilities, shops, theaters, restaurants, hotels, and pharmacies. Jews were forbidden to sit on public park benches and relegated to benches marked 'FOR JEWS ONLY.' . . . Christians today are becoming the subject of negativity.
A political cartoon pictures Christians as rats pulling the Republican elephant into the 'faith mission' with the quite, 'You're becoming saved, like it or not.' If only those pesky Christian rats would leave the Republican Party alone. Ted Turner refers to people of faith as 'one of the great world evils, comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate.'

Historically, after ridicule, deionization, censorship, and discrimination comes persecution. In Germany, the call came for a final solution. There are lots of ways to implement a final solution. Gas chambers are one. Lions are another. Here is a chilling comment by Reggie Rivers of the Rocky Mountain Times: 'I can periodically understand the frustration and general fatigue that compelled the Romans to throw select Christians to the lions. Its not just that the lions were hungry; it was that the Romans were tired of listening to the self-righteous babbling of Christians who claimed to be experts on everything and had egos the size of . . . well, God.'" from THE CRIMINALIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY by Janet Folger.

We need to be men and women like the children of Issachar who had "an understanding of the times." (1 Chronicles 12:32). That is why you need to be a student of THE BOOK -- GOD'S WORD.

I have copies of this compelling book for our Freedom Fighter family. It is a must read for every Christian. Regular price $19.95 -- for our FF family $15. To order a copy, respond to this email.

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