Tuesday, October 18, 2005

daily Freedom Fighters e-devotional from America's KESWICK for Tuesday, October 18, 2005

GOD IS . . .

Yesterday I shared with you from Scripture who are great God is . . .
Someone shared this with me many years ago . . .

God is like --

God is like Ford -- He has a better idea!
God is like Coke -- He is the real thing!
God is like Pan Am -- He makes the going great!
God is like Pepsi -- He's got lots to give!
God is like Standard Oil -- You expect more from Him and you get it!
God is like Dial soap -- Aren't you glad you know Him?
God is like Alka Seltzer -- Try Him, You'll like Him!
God is like Bayer asprin -- He takes the pain away!
God is like Hallmark cards -- He cared enough to send the very best!
God is like Tide -- He gets out the stains that others leave behind!
God is like VO5 hair spray -- He holds through all kinds of weather!
God is like Mattell toys -- You can tell He's swell!

Maybe you are too old to remember some of those ... so how about these?

God is like Dominoe's Pizza -- He delivers!
God is like Westinghouse -- You can be sure if it's God!
God is like Visine -- He gets the sin out!
God is like Vitalis Hair Creme -- Who says God doesn't care about hair?
God is like AllState -- You're in good hands with God.
God is like Gaterade -- He quenches your thirst!
God is like Ban Roll-On -- He won't wear off as the day wears on!
God is like Bounty Towels -- He's the quicker, picker-upper!
God is like Campbell's Soup -- M'm good! M'm good!
God is like Citiband -- The God who never sleeps!
God is like the Energizer Bunny -- He keeps going and going and going!
God is like McDonald's -- He did it all for you!
God is like Mr. Clean -- He cleans your whole life and everything in it!

"No one is like the Lord. For there is none besides You nor is there any
Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2) Good reminder on this 18th day of

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