Monday, September 12, 2005


1. Am I grieved by the sins that seem to ensnare me?
2. Do I lay my heart concerns before God as the only one who can cure me?
3. When was the last time I sensed the call of God in my life?
4. Do I scoff at those who speak of hearing God's convictions and repent, as if I consider this a silly exercise?
5. Do I find myself increasingly uncomfortable around strong believers and even mock them because their lives make me feel guilty?
6. Do I often feel a twinge at the invitation hour and try to convince myself that stepping forward is an act of weakness? Do I wait for the feeling to subside?
7. Do I justify my ongoing sin by saying, "This is the way everyone lives"?

"A hardened heart, spiritually and physically, is no laughing matter. We do not accept the forgiveness of our sins purchased on Calvary and then scorn the one who calls us, convicts us, and challenges us." If you are not convinced, read the biblical account of Nabal in 1 Samuel 25:1-39.

from "WHY CHURCHES DIE . . . Diagnosing Letha Poisons in the Body of Christ" by Mac Brunson and Ergun Caner, published by Broadman & Holman

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