Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Yesterday I shared with you the wonderful truth that JESUS prays for you. That truth was a special blessing to me yesterday and through the night. In the midst of some exciting times at merica's KESWICK there are some struggles that are taking place in people's lives. There is
some unrest at the moment among the men of the Colony -- grumblers and complainers. There are some staff that are going through some very difficult personal problems. And there are some issues that have come to light that I need to address today that will be tough to handle.

We had our the first of eight anniversary banquets last night and we pulled in the driveway around 10:45 PM. I decided to check my email and discovered that there were indeed some challenges that I was going to face today. Normally, I chew on this stuff and it impacts my ability to sleep. Last night as I crawled into bed, I reminded myself that there is ONE who never slumbers or sleeps and that HE is the ONE who is interceding for me. The Holy Spirit brought back to mind the verse from 1 Peter 5:7: "Cast ALL your cares upon HIM, for HE cares for you." I slept!

This morning when I cracked open my devotional "DAILY LIGHT . . . " which is just Scripture verses compiled for each day (no commentary) -- guess what verse was in the middle of the page -- 1 Peter 5:7. Listen to what Dr. Warren Wiersbe says in his commentary on 1 Peter: "One of the benefits of our relationship with God is the PRIVILEGE of letting Him take care of our burdens . . . The word translated 'care' means 'anxiety, the state of being pulled apart.' When circumstances are difficult, it is easy for us to be anxious and worried; but if we are,
we will miss God's blessing and become poor witnesses to the lost. We need His inward peace if we are going to triumph in the fiery trial and bring glory to His name . . . We must ONCE AND FOR ALL give all our cares -- past, present, and future -- to the Lord. We must not HAND them to Him piecemeal, keeping those cares that we think WE can handle ourselves. If we keep the 'little cares' for ourselves, they will soon become BIG problems! Each time a new burden arises, we must by faith remind the Lord (and ourselves) that we have already turned it over to
Him . . . How does God show His love and care for us when we give our cares to Him? I believe that He performs four wonderful ministries on our behalf.

1. He give us COURAGE to face our cares HONESTLY and not run away (Isaiah 41:10).
2. He gives us the WISDOM to understand the situation (James 1:5).
3. He gives us the STRENGTH to do what we must do (Philippians 4:13).
4. He gives us the FAITH to trust HIM to do the rest (Psalm 37:5).

Some people give God their burdens and expect Him to do EVERYTHING! It is important that we let Him work IN us as well as work FOR us, so that we will be prepared WHEN the answer comes. 'CAST YOUR BURDEN ON THE LORD and HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU!' (Psalm 55:22) from THE BIBLE EXPOSITION COMMENTARY by Dr. Warren Wiersbe published by Victor Books. Good words for me and you today.

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