Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I apologize that this Freedom Fighter is so late. Last night around 11:30 PM there was a accident at KESWICK PINES, our friends from the retirement village next to our property. A number of our staff were up through the night working around the clock to care for the over 250 guests that were brought on our grounds to sleep and be fed. The Red Cross provided cots, blankets and pillows for the residents and KESWICK PINES served their residents well with medical care and meals.

This was "GO GOD" day for us as it gave us many opportunities to share Christ with not only the residents, but their loved ones who came to check on their care and safety. The media were given a bird's eye view into what we do on a daily basis. We are praying that we will have opened up many doors to serve these precious seniors in the days ahead.

I will write more tomorrow. Again, I apologize to our Freedom Fighter family for the delay.

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