Tuesday, August 02, 2005


"...we are more than conquerors ...."

(Romans 8:37)

We have in another place considered the "more" nature of God. He is always "more." He always provides "more." He always does "more." That is just the way He is. Now it is good for us to see and know how His "more" affects us in a more personal way.

God's "more" is personal for US. He is not "more" just for Himself. He is "more" on OUR behalf. He knows WE need His "more." We see that in so many of His assurances. He manifested it in His declaration that He had come in order that WE may have "life... more abundantly." (John 10:10) We see it in the promise that His grace is sufficient for US for his strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

That is why our Bible tells us that "WE (emphasis added) are more than conquerors...." We are not merely more than the ordinary. We are not in the category of those who "barely make it" in our efforts to overcome the problems of this life. We certainly are not those who are held captive by desires and circumstances. Neither are we captive to the pressures of peers. Corrupted culture holds no claim over us.

Neither are we the ones who merely study about the conquerors. True, those stories of conquerors are exciting. They raise some hope and excite some discipline in those who would like to join the ranks of the victorious. They encourage other conquerors that share the victory. But the promise to us is that WE are the conquerors. In fact WE are the ones who are "more than conquerors." We are the ones who wear the crown, occupy the throne and hold the victor's sword. Are you now saying that such is not the case in your life? Are you saying that your struggle for such victory continues? Are you wondering why this victory has not replaced your defeat?Why should we ask? The answer to victory is so obvious. For "we are more than conquerors THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US."

Have you not claimed your crown, your throne and your Victor's sword? Have you not claimed your victory in Christ?

Robert L. Alderman

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1-3; Matthew 1

Today's Freedom Fighter is from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE -- 365 Daily Meditations on Victorious Christian Living.

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