Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you felt overwhelmed? I am in on those places at the moment. Our summer season is winding down and we are getting ready to head into a very busy month of our anniversary banquets and ministry events. I am facing a stretch of 8 days without a day off in sight. There is stuff to do around the house after neglecting it because of the intensity of the summer season. Preparation for a Board meeting. Messages to be prepared for upcoming speaking engagements. People that need to see me. Phone calls that must be returned. Quite honestly, I have woken up the past several nights simply overwhelmed.

This morning in my quiet time, my spirit was once again refreshed from the WORD! I love the way GOD knows WHAT we need to hear WHEN we need to hear it. Here is one of the verses from today: "From the end of the earth I will cry out to You, when my heart is OVERWHELMED; Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61:2). It was a refreshing reminder that in the midst of the crazies of life -- I have the privilege of crying out to the ONE who understands WHAT I am experiencing. Usually when I am overwhelmed, I end up complaining and grumbling. I may even get short and snippy with my wife, son, or co-workers. But David reminds me that when I am overwhelmed, when the world feels like it is crashing in all around me, when life sees life a merry-go-round and I want to jump off -- do this: CRY OUT TO THE ONE WHO IS HIGHER THAN I!

I am reminded of an old hymn, I MUST TELL JESUS . . .
I must tell Jesus all of my sorrow.
I cannot bear all these burdens alone.
In my distress He kindly will help me.
He ever loves and cares for His own.


I must tell Jesus. I must tell Jesus.
I cannot bear all these burdens alone.
I must tell Jesus. I must tell Jesus.
Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.

Thank You, Lord that YOU understand when I am overwhelmed! Thank you that YOU desire me to cry out to You! Lead me today to the ROCK that is higher than I!

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