Thursday, July 14, 2005


I prayed for help, I prayed for strength,
I prayed for victory;
I prayed for patience and love,
For true humility
But as I prayed, my dying Christ
By faith I seemed to see,
And as I gazed my glad heart cried,
"All things are mine, thro' Thee!"

If He doth dwell within my heart,
Why need I strength to implore?
The Giver of all grace is mine,
And shall I ask for more?
And need I pray for victory,
When He who conquered death
Dwells in my very inmost soul.
Nearer indeed than breath?

Oh help me, Lord, realize
That Thou are all in all;
That I am more than conqueror
In great things and in small
No need have I but Thou hast met
Upon the cruel tree.
Oh precious, dying risen Lord,
Thou art my victory.

Avis B. Christiansen, as quoted in Charles R. Swindoll, Victory

Good words for you and me today!

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