Thursday, July 07, 2005


"If there's one thing we need in the midst of our busy, loud, and nervous lives, it's the inner peace and quiet and assurance that only God can give. It's the only way to see God's purposes for us, let alone keep our sanity.

The thing is, God doesn't yell out and say, 'Hey, you're neglecting me. Sit still for a moment so you can hear me.' He is fully capable of getting our attention when we really need it, but you don't want to make a habit of giving God a reason to chase you down ( and He will).

Rather than waiting for God to whack you over the head with a spiritual two-by-four, would it be far better to give God some time each day to quietly speak to you? Actually, this is God's preference. 'BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. (Psalm 46:10). Being still may be the hardest thing you will ever do, but it may be the most important. When you give God time, you show Him respect. In effect you're saying, 'God, You're important enough to me to set aside some time each day. I want You to teach me, and I want to learn.'

The doorway to letting God into the details of your life -- into your concerns and dreams -- is time. We know this won't be easy. Many other voices will call out for your time and attention, and many of them are worthwhile. But if you want to hear the one Voice who will make all the
difference in your life, you'll need to let God in ... quietly!

Some "small stuff" suggestions:

1. Make and appointment with God every day and then keep it as if you were meeting with the most important person in the world.
2. Set aside a designated period of time each day, each week, each month, and each year to focus on God.
3. The advantage of meeting god at the same time each day is that you don't have to decide when you are going to do it.
4. Sometime in the next month, try giving the Lord a day out of our life. An entire day.
5. Make moments of stillness, quiet, and solitude part of your daily routine.
6. Rising early to meet the Lord gives you a jump on the day. Meeting God at night enables you to reflect on the day. Either option is good.
7. If you hurry through life without giving God time, this world will seem like a hospital, a place to get sick and die.
8. If you go through life with God, this world will seem like an inn, a place to stay while you're passing through.
9. Depending on your spiritual condition, being alone with God will either be unnerving or invigorating.
10. The time to find moments of stillness and quiet is when it's most difficult to do so."

from GOD IS IN THE SMALL STUFF . . . AND IT ALL MATTERS written by Bruce and Stan, published by Promise Press.

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