Friday, July 08, 2005


"May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you." (Psalm 25:21 NLT)

Someone once said that character is who you are when no one is watching. Stan and Bruce, in their book GOD IS IN THE SMALL STUFF . . . AND IT ALL MATTERS, reminds us that our character defines who we are. When your character is "broken in two or more pieces, you no longer have integrity. And without integrity, you don't have character."

"[We think] we can keep a break in one part of [our lives] from impacting the other parts, but it doesn't work that way. An integrity breach in one compartment of our lives quickly spills over to another until our entire life begins to sink . . . One of the best ways to keep your life whole is to pay attention to the small stuff. Do what it takes every day to develop your character and preserve your integrity. Most of all don't live your life to please others. Live your life to please God.

Some things to remember:
1. People of integrity make an easy target for critics because they stand upright.
2. Let your word be your bond: Keep you promises, meet your deadlines, honor your commitments, pay your bills.
3. It's one thing to know what's rigt, and another thing entirely to do it.
4. Others determine your reputation -- YOU determine your character.
5. If you want to know what's in your heart, listen to your mouth.
6. If you find yourself in a questionable situation, get out immediately.
7. Before you can ask integrity of others, you must attempt to be blameless yourself.
8. The PRACTICE of honesty is more convincing than the PROFESSION of holiness.
9. Character is made by what you stand for; reputation by what you fall for."

Good words to consider on this Friday, July 8, 2005.

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