Wednesday, June 29, 2005


For two days now the following verse has appeared in my daily quiet time readings . . . "Great peace have those who love Your law, and NOTHING causes them to stumble!" (Psalm 119:65)

I thought that it was interesting that these two verses came up after our Supreme Court made the decision to not allow the Ten Commandments to be displayed at various places in our country. Unfortunately this is another step indicating the dangerous path we are walking as a nation. God help us!

David gives us to precious promises to anchor our lives on in relationship to God's Word. He promises GREAT PEACE and the ability to live VICTORIOUSLY in this ever-changing, crazy world. The Psalmist doesn't say we just have PEACE -- we have GREAT PEACE. The peace that He gives is not explainable by the world. It is the peace that gets us through the difficult circumstances in our lives. Many of you have experienced it -- PERFECT PEACE in the midst of a storm in your life.

Can I remind you this morning that

He is the LORD-Of -PEACE (Judges 6:24)

He is the God of all peace (Romans 1:7; I Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20)
He loves to bless His people with peace (Psalm 29:11)
He gives PERFECT peace (Isaiah 26:3)
He gives peace that TRANSCENDS all human understanding and comprehension (Philippians 4:19)

No wonder David wrote that we those who love His law (Word) has GREAT PEACE. And that WORD will KEEP YOU FROM STUMBLING . . .

Good words to ponder today.

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