Thursday, June 30, 2005


"As a disciple I must be rightly connected at all times with my headquarters. Paul gives the location: 'Seek those things which are above . . . Set your affections on tings above' (Colossians 3:1-2). Heaven is the nerve center of everything that controls my life, or the life of the church, or even the life of the world. Just as a soldier 'lives' in the mind of his commanding officer, so I must live in the mind of Jesus Christ. Phrases like 'independent operation,' 'unilateral action,' and 'self-devised plan,' never occur in the vocabulary of the military man. He waits for the signal from the proper authority, then he moves.

My failure in many areas of my discipleship stems from misinterpreting the signals from my command post. Sometimes I have read my own desires into the command and acted as if the command were mine. Sometimes I simply could not hear the signal because it was drowned out by the interference of the world! There is only one cure for failure: STAY CLOSELY TUNED TO YOUR COMMAND POST! I must not be distracted by earthly activities, rumors, or fears. I even must not let frontline action dictate my next move.

If I live in my headquarters, that is, keep my mind in heaven and what is going on there, it will make a vast difference in my behavior on earth. I wonder how many 'important things' on earth are really important in heaven? How many things that I consider essential are really peripheral? Does heaven worry about the things that vex and worry me? Are they top priority with God? If I could only visit my command post and visibly see what is top drawer to my Commander, I think I would come back with a complete reversal of my priorities. This I must do, for I am a man 'under authority,' the authority of my Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ."

Good words from the pen of Pastor W. Glyn Evans in his daily devotional, DAILY WITH THE KING, published by Moody Press

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