Thursday, June 09, 2005


Praise the Lord for several who emailed yesterday that have asked for prayer in this area! God is working in hearts.

17. I cultivate a stronger resistance to future interpersonal sexual sin -- as I avoid pornography, I cultivate a stronger resistance to future interpersonal sexual sin and its many destructive consequences.

18. I nurture that proper biblical view of the sanctity of womanhood -- by resisting pornography, I nurture the proper biblical view of the sanctity of womanhood and show honor toward all the women in my life.

19. I relate to women as equals and persons of ultimate worth -- by avoiding the superficial and self-serving world of porn, I am able to consistently relate to women as equals and persons of ultimate worth.

20. I learn to live in reality rather than fantasy -- I embrace the rewarding world of reality rather than floundering in the emptiness of fantasy when I prevail over pornography.

21. I steer clear of unnecessary personal guilt and shame -- by steering clear of the unnecessary personal guilt and shame of pornography, I will enjoy a wholesome and holy experience of life as God meant it to be.

22. I cultivate a lifestyle of contentment and satisfaction -- by resisting pornography and resting in the goodness and grace of God, I will cultivate a lifestyle of contentment and satisfaction.

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