Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Here are 10 more powerful reasons to avoid pornography (or other idols of your heart . . . )

7. I turn away from the solicitation of harlots in my heart --Because my life was designed by God for high and holy purposes, I will avoid the red-light district of the heart while cherishing the higher pleasure of purity.

8. I refuse the temptation of idolatry -- I will refuse temptation of porn-idolatry and set no other "gods" before the one true God who has given me a heart to worship Him alone.

9. I prove to be a faithful steward of my money -- I will endeavor to be a faithful steward of my money, using my hard-earned funds to build up my life and my world, not destroy.

10. I prove to be a faithful steward of time -- I will prove to be a wise steward of the limited commodity and valuable treasure of time as I use it to enhance healthy relationships, not tear them down.

11. I abstain from any promotion and support of the pornography industry -- As I avoid all promotion and support of the pornography industry, I will discourage its growth and steer clear of devastation.

12. I preserve God's gift of loving sexual expression for its intended purpose -- As I preserve God's gift of loving sexual expression for its intended purpose, I guard this treasure for the fulfillment of His plan for my life.

13. I protect the purity and power of my God-given imagination -- As I protect the purity and power of my God-given imagination, my thoughts will be employed for greater positive, creative life-giving purposes.

14. I develop disciplined character -- by conquering temptations of pornography, I will develop the blessings of disciplined character with positive results in every area of my life.

15. I guard the integrity of my Christian testimony -- I can guard against pornography's destructive attacks on the integrity of my Christian testimony by acknowledging my vulnerabilities and maintaining a strong, constant defense.

16. I promote health and harmony in the body of Christ -- When I avoid pornography I promote health and harmony in the body of Christ, serving as a positive and pure contributor to others.

Good words to ponder as we think through guard our hearts!

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