Wednesday, May 18, 2005


of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
"I gather that in the church of God it is not merely her ministers that are to be most holy, but all her members -- not her sacraments only, but her ordinary meals; not her Sabbaths only, but her workdays; not her worship only, but her daily labor.
Conspicuous holiness should be the mark of the church of God. We should not be noted for talent or wealth or loud professions but for holiness.
Somehow or other true holiness is sure to be spied out or remarked upon.
Like the violet, it tries to hide itself but is betrayed by its perfume.
Like the star, it twinkles with modesty but it is discovered to be sheltered from its enemies by its obscurity, but the holy city evermore stands on a hill and cannot be hid. Would to God that whenever people speak of the church to which they belong that may acknowledge its holiness! Would to God that whenever they speak of you or me they have no evil thing to say of us unless they lie. The world does not know how to name the thing it both admires and hates, but it soon perceives its existence and owns its power -- the thing I mean is holiness, which is at once the glory and the strength of the people of God. Mo
Morality is a clean outside, but holiness is being clean within.
Morality is a dead body washed and laid in clean white linen; holiness is the living form in perfect purity. To be just to man is morality, to be hallowed unto God is holiness. The church of God must not be reputedly good, but be really pure. She must not have a name for virtue, but her heart must be right before God -- she must have a clean inside.
Our lives must be such that observers may peep within the doors and see nothing for which to blame us. Our moral cleanliness must not be like that of a housewife who sweeps the dirt under the mats. We must be so clear of the accursed thing that even if they dig in the earth they will not find an Achan's treasure hidden there. 'Behold, thou desires truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part you shall make me to know wisdom.'" (Psalm 51:6)
Very powerful words this morning from A PASSION FOR HOLINESS IN A BELIEVER'S LIFE by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, published by Bethany House.
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