Tuesday, May 17, 2005


from the pen of CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON in book THE PASSION FOR HOLINESS IN THE BELIEVER'S LIFE. This powerful resource is published by our good friends at BETHANY HOUSE.
"Every man sees morally what he is himself. A man who is bad sees evil and is blind to good. The man who is partially like Christ has only a partial view of Christ. If your eye does not see inexpressible beauty in Him, it is your eye that is to blame, for He is altogether lovely. And when the eye of our inward nature shall come to see Jesus as He is, then we may depend upon it that we are like Him. It is the pure in heart who see God (Matthew 5:8) because God, the inexpressibly pure One, can be seen only by those who are themselves pure.
When we shall be perfectly pure, we shall be able to understand Christ; and when we understand Christ, or see Him as He is, as we shall do at His appearing, then we shall be like Him -- free from sin, full of consecration to God, pure and perfect. Today, He is Conqueror over sin and death and hell; He is superlative in His virtue and His holiness; He has conquered all the powers of evil; and one day we too shall put our foot on the old dragon's head, we too shall see sin crushed beneath us, and we shall come off "more than conquerors through him that loved us."
(Romans 8:37) This, then, is our hope, that we shall be like our Head when we shall see Him as He is."
Good words for us today.
VICTORY CALL, an email of encouragement for women, will be available Monday - Friday, beginning June 1, 2005. To sign up for this inspirational challenge from Diane Hunt, Director of Women's Ministry and Family Counseling, respond to this email and we will had you to the list.
Freedom Fighter's is a ministry of America's KESWICK -- "where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives." To unsubscribe, visit www.americaskeswick.org.

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