Monday, March 07, 2005


"The Christian is he who is righteous in his conduct, uncompromising in his principles, passionate in his devoton to His Savior, sacrificial in his service, and transparent in his life. He has no life behind the scenes to which he retreats to indulge his appetite for things that he would be ashamed to do in the company of Christian people. His life will bear the closest scrutiny of his strongest critics, from which he will come out unscathed, a holy man of God continually.

In light of His Word, it is God's plan that His people should always be on the offensive, never on the defensive. Too often we retreat, run away, hide from the devil, instead of launching a full scale offensive in the name of Jesus. There will be no victory in the name of Jesus Christ until you declare war against everything in your life that is sinful. Fancy you and me having our feet on the neck of jealousy, pride, a critical spirit, of a harsh tongue! Fancy our having our feet on the neck of every crippling thing in our Christian testimony!

Have you identified yourselves by declaring war on pride, on self, on tongue, on criticism, by determining to attack and conquer them in the name of Jesus? You have a constant attitude to maintain, and a victory to claim."


Good words to ponder as we begin a new week.

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