Sunday, March 06, 2005


"The trouble with so many of us Christians is that we fail to apply divine strategy to our daily living. If our Christian lives are hit-or-miss, it is not to be wondered at that we miss more than we hit! Very seldom does the Christian apply himself to daily disciplined action or to planned war against the enemy. The result is that many of us are completely outmaneuvered by Satan, who, if I may say so, is a master strategist. Remember, Satan is not only a roaring lion, he is also a subtle snake, and the roar of the lion is far less dangerous that the hiss of the snake.

Every victory that Christian wins in his own personal life is an invitation for a full-scale attack by the enemy of his soul. Every time a child of God steps into an experience of blessing he is on the verge of another assault by the enemy. Our blessings and battles go side by side. If you are being pressed on every front are in the thick of the fight, praise God! If you are finding temptation almost too much to bear and the struggle almost too hard to carry on, I want you to know that I am tremendously glad. You may be feeling miserable, but I am most thoroughly happy on your account. It is a good sign! IF YOU ARE BEING TEMPTED RIGHT AND LEFT IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING RIGHT THROUGH WITH THE WILL OF GOD IN BLESSING. However, if you are saying to yourself, 'I don't know what he is talking about; I haven't been tempted in years; I don't know anything about this kind of thing;' do get before the Lord and ask Him to show you what is wrong with your life!" from Dr. Alan Redpath VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIVING published by Revell.

Have a blessed Lord's Day!

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