Tuesday, March 01, 2005

THE MAN GOD USES -- Read Joshua 1:9

"God said, [to Joshua] 'Be strong,' and when God said that it meant that the man to whom He spoke felt weak. God said, 'Be not afraid,' which meant that the man to whom He spoke was frightened. God said, 'Neither be dismayed,' which meant that the man to whom God spoke would easily quit the job altogether. But when men feel like that, God comes and lifts them up to leadership and into responsibility.

Most of us, God forgive us, are too big for God to use. We are too full of our own schemes and of our own way of doing things. God has to humble us and break us and empty us. So low, indeed, must God make us that we need every word of encouragement from heaven to enable us to take on the job and dare to go forward in the will of God. The world speaks about the survival of the fittest, but God gives power to the faint and He gives might to those who have no strength. He perfects His strength in weakness; He uses the things that are not to bring to naught the things that are. If Paul had been as eloquent as he confessed himself to be contemptible in speech, he could never have become the great apostle."

From VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIVING -- Studies on the Life of Joshua by Dr.
Alan Redpath. This book is published by our friends at Revell.

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