Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Proverbs 30:21-23 "Three things are too much for even the earth to bear, yes, four things shake its foundations --
when a janitor becomes the boss
when a fool gets rich,
when a whore is voted 'woman of the year'
when a 'girlfriend' replaces a faithful wife." (from THE MESSAGE)
Interesting verses this morning from the book of Proverbs. Over the years I have joked about writing a book entitled "I THOUGHT I HEARD IT ALL UNTIL ..." There have been things that I have seen and experienced that were absolutely absurd. Mind boggling. Situations that rocked the foundation of my life.Things people have said or done that just baffled me. Often these absurd things have caused me to step back and think through their implications or to take inventory of my own life.
Solomon gives us some interesting "thought food" in these verses. I want to zero in this morning on that last phrase -- "when a 'girlfriend'
replaces a faithful wife. In my 50 years of life I have seen a number of couples that I loved and respected end their marriages. Most have gone through very painful divorces. I have watched the way divorce has destroyed the kids. I even witnessed how one divorce of a prominent couple in the church, actually destroyed the church. I have looked at some of these situations and scratched my head saying, "How can this be?
What were they thinking? How could they throw all this away?"
You might be reading this today and say, "Bill, I have never cheated on my spouse. I have been faithful and I am committed to my marriage." If we are not careful, we can be so pious and proud that we miss what is going on in our lives. I don't think I am stretching the text here -- but if I am, hear me out anyway. You may be right -- you are not replacing your wife with a physical or emotional relationship with another woman (or a man, if you are one of the ladies who read Freedom Fighters). But it could be that there is some other "girlfriend" or "mistress" in your life. Has your job/ministry become your mistress? Are you so consumed with what you are doing that you are neglecting your spouse? Could it be sports, money, possessions, or even cars?
Unfortunately, for too many men, the computer is sucking the life out of you. You avoid spending time with your spouse because you have become ensnared with "air-brushed" porn pictures or you are spending time in chat rooms where you will end up talking with someone for hours rather than having conversation with your spouse.
Is there a girlfriend or mistress in your life that you need to deal with today? Your spouse is a God-given blessing and responsibility. My guess is that your spouse is longing for fellowship and companionship with YOU. Why not purpose in your heart to replace that "mistress" with the wife of your youth! It could be one of the greatest decisions you make in your life apart from your salvation! If you need help in this area, please write.

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