Thursday, March 03, 2005


"The ultimate benefit in allowing Christ to express His life through us is not what happens in us personally. Personal fulfillment is a wonderful by-product of His life within, but His great goal is to express His life to a needy world through loving ministry.

Legalistic religion promises freedom, but actually causes those drawn into its snare to become prisoners of rules. Grace causes the Christian to simply rest in Christ, allowing Him to reveal Himself to others in the course of living each day naturally. Religion makes performance its priority. Grace chooses people as its priority. It frees us to take our eyes off ourselves and allows us to invest ourselves in others. It is a freedom which activates ministry motivated by life, not laws. Law insists on ministry. Grace INSPIRES it.

When people are consumed with desire, they can't be stopped. Grace inflames the desire to share Christ. It ignites compassion toward the lost and motivates Christians to naturally witness with supernatural power. Grace-based evangelism is nothing less than an excitement about Jesus that is contagious to others. Grace will motivate you to share a PERSON, not a plan." from GRACE WALK -- Dr. Steve McVey Harvest House

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POINT OF GRACE in concert this coming Monday night at America's KESWICK. Tickets are still available. Call today for your reservations. 800-453-7942.

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