Saturday, February 26, 2005


I continue to learn so much about the principles of living victoriously in a fallen world. I am having to re-learn concepts that I have engrained in me since my early days of being saved.

I have often found myself praying for victory in my life -- victory over a bad habit -- victory over sin. I spent time praying for victory or trying to find the right thing to add to my list of disciplines that would help me develop victorious living. I need to re-program my thinking because the victory is already there!

Author and Bible teacher, Dr. Steve McVey in is his book GRACE LAND reminds us that "victory in any area of life doesn't come to the believer by finding the right method. Rather, victory has ALREADY BEEN GIVEN TO US in the person of Jesus Christ (see Romans 8:37; I Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14). We experience victory in life as we understand that when Christ gave us HIS life, we gained victory as we appropriate by faith that CHRIST is our life and trust HIM to animate our actions (see I John 5:4). What a liberating day to discover that it isn't necessary to STRUGGLE to get to the place of victory."

Watchman Nee said, "Think of the bewilderment of trying to get into a room in which you already are! Think of the absurdity of asking to be put in! If we recognize the fact that we ARE in, we make no effort to enter."

"The bottom line is that because we are believers in Christ, we are CONTINUALLY in the place of victory! As Christians we aren't fighting FOR victory, but FROM victory." from GRACE LAND by Dr. Steve McVey Rejoice in the victory that you have IN CHRIST today, my friend.

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