Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We Can Depend on His Word

You Can Depend on His Word

Four years ago today we thought God would bring healing to our precious granddaughter through open heart surgery. But God had other plans for her healing.

After many weeks of suffering through two open heart surgeries and a cardiac arrest, God chose to heal Lindsay by giving her a new heart. If you read yesterday’s blog, God led my daughter and wife to the same passage of Scripture which they circled as God directing that Lindsay would be healed. They thought the healing would come through her surgery.

When Dr. Green laid Lindsay on the table after we all went through the process of saying goodbye to her, he told the kids that she was now with the Lord and the time of her death was 1:00 PM.

That moment, like many others, is freeze-framed in my mind. Laura standing on one end of the bed and Jan on the other. Laura looked at her Mom and said, “God’s Word was true! He healed Lindsay at 1:00 PM!”

The outcome was not what we wanted. But a powerful reminder that WE CAN DEPEND ON HIS WORD. God has blessed Laura and Jon with three children since Lindsay’s home-going. The third child was born this March – and he blessed us with a precious little girl – Sydney Lin.

Kathie Lee Gifford wrote a song that Robert and Joyce Hayes sing. These words echo what we felt during those difficult days four years ago:

The Skies growing darker as the evening draws near
Storm clouds have gathered and shadows are gone
When all hope has faded replaced now with fear
Tell me what can we depend on?

We can depend on His word- when all hope is gone
We can still depend on – We can depend on His Word.

When troubles grown deeper and the desert is dry
And our hearts are so broken – that we can’t even cry
When our faith is wounded and our joy is gone
Tell me what can we depend on?

When the rain comes and the pain comes,
And we know that it will
We can still trust – He is still just the same
He still call us by name

When our faith is wounded and our joy is gone
Tell me what can we depend on?

We can depend on His word – when all hope is gone
We can still depend on – we can depend on His Word.

Motivations: Prayer is exhaling the spirit of man and inhaling the spirit of God.
Edwin Keith

Practice to Remember: Level 1:Ephesians 6:13 ; Level 2: Ephesians 6:14-21
Powered Up:  I am often praying for others when I should be doing things for them. It’s so much easier to pray for a bore than to go and see him. C. S. Lewis

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