Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Heavens Declare

The Heavens Declare

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork. Psalm 19:1

Here’s another description of the heavens and the glory of God that should blow your mind:

A scientist once suggested an interesting analogy. Imagine, he said, a perfectly smooth glass pavement on which the finest speck can be seen. Then shrink our sun from 865,000 miles in diameter to 2 feet, and place this gilt ball on the pavement to represent the sun.

Step off 82 paces of about 2 feet each, and to proportionately represent the first planet, Mercury, put down a mustard seed.

Take 60 steps more, each about two feet, and for Venus, put down an ordinary shot the size of a BB.

Mark 78 steps more, and for our earth, put down a pea.

Step 108 paces from there, and for Mars, put down a pinhead.

Sprinkle some fine dust for the asteroids, take 788 steps more, and for Jupiter, put down an orange.

Take 934 steps, and for Saturn, put down a golf ball.

Mark 2,086 steps more, and for Uranus, put down a marble.

Step off 2,322 steps from there, and for Neptune, but down a cherry.

This will take 2 ½ miles, and we haven’t discussed Pluto. If we swing completely around, we have smooth glad surface 5 miles in diameter representing our system, just a tiny fraction of the heavens. On this surface, 5 miles across, we have only one mustard seed, BB, pea, pinhead, dust, orange, golf ball, marble, and cherry.

And we should have to go 6,720 miles, not feet, on the same scale before we could put down another two-foot ball to represent the nearest star!!!

He created all of this and holds it all together by the word of His power! What an amazing God we serve. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations:  God has left fingerprints all over creation!

Practice to Remember: Level 1:Ephesians 4:25; Level 2: Ephesians 4:11-16

Powered Up:  Believing prayer never asks more than is promised. William S. Plummer

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