Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A Great Follow Up to Lust's Antidote

Don't forget this week's Men's Fellowship Night with Pastor Mike Dellaprute. Dinner at 6:15 PM followed by the program. Call for reservations and information: 732-350-1187

A Great Follow Up to Lust’s Antidote
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Romans 12:2

Today’s devotional from The Christian Armor is a great follow-up to what our brother, Makala shared yesterday:

The Christian is to proclaim and initiate an irreconcilable war against his CHOICE sins. Those nearest his heart must now be trampled under his feet. This takes great courage and resolution. O how lust will plead for itself. Satan pleads: ‘Is it not just a little sin – O spare it!’ He will flatter you soul with the secrecy of it: “You can have it, and your honor also.’
If this does not work, Satan will try to get you to wait just a little while for its execution. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY THIS STRATEGY! Most lusts that have received a delay in execution will eventually obtain a full pardon and regain full favor with your soul.

It takes great resolution to break through such violent pleading and bring your lust to full execution. We must walk with single purpose, without an eye on the world’s glitter. We must stand fixed to heaven’s principles and so prove our citizenship in heaven but our faithfulness to the truth. This can bring snares, dangers and mockings. It takes courage to despise the shame that a Christian must expect to meet with.

It is a great honor for a Christian when all his enemies can say that his faithful and will not do as we do. A cowardly heart will find all kinds of reasons to retreat from duty. Since the Christian has so great a danger he needs to be locked into his saddle, or he will soon be dismounted.

The Christian must stay on his course to heaven even when is blasphemed because of false professors and apostates. We need to bear up in holy resolution against such discouragements. Joshua stood against the whole camp of Israel who turned their hearts back to Egypt. With an undaunted spirit he maintained his integrity, and claimed he was resolved to serve the Lord through would not join him.

You might think that I have become obsessed with this topic. No, not really. I realized that the enemy of our souls would love nothing more than to take us out. This is not some “play-for-fun” war. He has declared all-out war. Praise God the we can have the victory through Christ. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations: Brethren, study God's Word diligently for your own edification; and when it has become more to you than your necessary food, sweeter than honey or the honeycomb, it will be impossible for you to speak of it to others, without a glow passing into your words which will betray the delight with which it has inspired your own heart. James Stalker

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 3:14-15; Level 2: Ephesians 3:8-13

Powered Up:  It’s not wrong to pray for miracles. But it is wrong to insist upon our own will rather than God’s. We may not demand miracles of a sovereign God. Unfortunately such demands are made in all too many Christian circles today. Margaret Clarkson

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