Thursday, March 15, 2012

God's Requirements For the Day


“…to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8)

            What am I thinking this morning?  Am I purposefully expecting to fulfill all of my Heavenly Father’s requirements for today?  Not unless I make the conscience decision to do so!  Do I really want to do that today?  

My answer would be an outright “No” if I don’t allow that thought to cross my mind today.  God’s first requirement for me today is to “do justly” (6:8).  Without thinking, I walk through the day as a blind man not knowing what I might run into next.  Applying the first part of God’s requirement in doing justly, would allow me to see clearly throughout the day.  “But the path of the just is as the shining light…” (Proverbs 4:18).  Why would I consciously choose blindness? 

            His next requirement for my day is for me “…to love mercy…” (6:8).  To whom will I choose to have mercy on today?  Will it be that individual that I am most friendly to or will it be to the one that is unfriendly to me consistently?  I will have to choose, especially if I plan to fulfill this part of the requirement for the day as He would desire.  God made his choice clear as he spoke to Moses, “…I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy…” (Romans 9:15).  If I make this choice, the type of person with whom I will have contact today will have no bearing on whether I will show mercy or not. 

I am two thirds there, but in order to “…walk humbly with thy God…” (6:8) I must make the decision for the day to give up my throne for His. Executing the full requirement for today demands that pride be abased as I take my position under the authority of my God.  If I maintain that position for today, doing justly and showing mercy are second nature.  They take place because of my position, and I don’t have to think on whether I will accomplish them or not, because they will be done automatically. 

            God’s requirement for me today is quite simple.  Maintain my position!  I will then have absolutely no trouble meeting His requirement.  What requirement do you have for today?  If the words of Micah are not in your thoughts before your day begins, the only requirement that you will accomplish will be your own! James K. Kennedy serves at America’s Keswick as our Chief of Operations

Motivations: If you have the smile of God what does it matter if you have the frown of men. Leonard Ravenhill

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 4:1; Level 2: Ephesians 3:14-21

Powered Up:  All Christians are obligated to work as if they do not believe in prayer and pray as if they do not believe in work. Leonard Ravenhill

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