Thursday, February 09, 2012

A Dog's Life

A Dog’s Life

"And since then, O Kings and Ladies, I have been wandering to find him and my happiness is so great that it even weakens me like a wound. And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me, Beloved, me who am but as a dog."  ~ Emeth, "The Last Battle" by C.S. Lewis

And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon.”  But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying out after us.”  He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”  But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.”  And he answered, “It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.”  Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.
~ The Syrophoenician Woman in Matthew 15:21-28

We (those of us gentiles) are this woman beloved readers.  Jesus came to save (first) His precious possession.  Those children of Abraham who were looking for the Messiah, were to find Him first.  The Kingdom of heaven was (is) for all of us, but the over-arching plan has been that that plan would be dispensed through His chosen people, the Jews.

And this Canaanite woman had the dazzling audacity to scream out from the back of the crowd.

Help!  i am in WAY OVER MY HEAD!

Jesus answers with:  Silence...


Jesus answers with: Why should I help a dog like you?  Look at all these religious people here trying to show me how good they are...

because i am a dog.  i am nothing.  But You are able Lord.  Only You can help me.

And it is here that Jesus tips His Beautiful hand.  He poured out the core of His message through the barking of a Syrophoenician dog.  Nobody else seemed willing to say it:  "i am poor in spirit Lord.  Only You can make me rich."  Worship and faith poured out of this woman's words...  Thou art worthy.  Thou art Who Thou claim to be.  And i will approach NO other for help.  Thou art my help, and my only hope of deliverance.

Absolutely gorgeous.

Jesus didn't want her to be worthy.  Jesus wanted her to admit her unworthiness to be helped.  And in admitting this weakness - she made the leap of faith that engages the awesome Grace and power of a great and Loving G_d. 

And that day, He did not just free a woman and her daughter.  He propounded (again) a truth that has set 100's of millions of us free.  We are nothing but dogs.  We are a mess.  AND Jesus is crazy about us.  He does not want us worthy.  He wants us broken - and knowing we are broken.  It is only in this place that the faith in His saving work begins to work in us.

And once He sets us free...  RUN like He's opened the prison door.  Because He has!  Run like a dog who's master has just left the gate open! – Makala Duolos is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

Motivations: “When arrogant people who know they deserve eternal misery tremble before a holy God of passionate wrath, they discover grace.  The encounter the depths of God’s kindness and love, a kindness and love they find nowhere else.  They fall to their knees and worship Christ as their Lord and Savior and as their truest friend, really their only true friend.  They know they don’t deserve a hug, no matter how badly they’re hurting; but they get an eternal one anyway.  That’s the grace that takes their breath away.” Larry Crabb, Shattered Dreams

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 2:19; Level 2: Ephesians 2:19-22

Powered Up:  You can love more people through prayer than any other way. You can love, by your prayer, people who avoid your or resist you. You can love people anywhere in the world by your prayer. The more you pour out God’s love through your prayer and actions, the more the Spirit will pour in as you ask Him. Wesley Duewel

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