Monday, February 06, 2012

Bezalel and Aholiab Who?

ATTENTION ALL GUYS -- What are you doing this Thursday evening? Why not join us for our monthly Men's Fellowship night at America's Keswick. Great meal, fellowship, worship, challenge from the Word, and fun in the Activity Center. Pastor Dave Rittinger, Senior Pastor Whiting Bible Church will be our guest speaker. Call today and register. Begins at 6:15 PM. Come and bring a friend! (732-350-1187) 

Bezalel and Aholiab Who?

Bezalel and Aholiab and every wise hearted man in whom the Lord has put wisdom and understanding to know how to do all the work for the service of the sanctuary shall work according to all that the Lord has commanded. Exodus 36:1 (Amplified Bible)

For those of you who haven’t dialed in to read the Bible with me this year, it’s not too late to start. Under the TEAM YOU section below, you can pick up where we are and begin to read an Old Testament and New Testament passage and then a chapter in Proverbs.

The past several days we have been in the book of Exodus and reading about the construction of the tabernacle and all the furnishings. Often time we tend to gloss over this as it is very detailed (and if you are like most men, we hate reading instructions!) instruction manual on how God wanted the tabernacle and all the accessories built.

There’s not a lot in Scripture about the guy Bezalel (what a name!) but he played a very pivotal role in doing the major part of the construction of the tabernacle and its furnshings.

Of this man, we read in Exodus 35:31 (Amplified Bible) that”God filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and wisdom, with intelligence and understanding, and with a knowledge of all craftsmanship.”  It also said that “God has put in Bezalel’s heart that he my teach, both he and Aholiab …” (Exodus 35:26). God “filled them with wisdom of heart and the ability to do all the manner of craftsmanship, of the engraver, of the skillful workman, of the embroiderer in blue, purple, and scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of those who do or design any skilled work.” (Exodus 35:34-35)

Read through the remaining chapters of Exodus and you will see the phrase  “He made” 46 times (Amplified Bible). Bottom line he did it all just the way God commanded Moses.

What has God called YOU to do? Does the job require that you follow His commands and instructions? Is it a job that seems “over your head?” One that seems to be above your pay-scale? Well God will never call you to do something for Him unless He will be faithful to equip you to do the job.

Paul wrote to the body at Thessalonica: “Faithful is He who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you].

If He has placed a call on your life – be obedient. Trust Him. And be amazed at what He will do in and through you! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations: I am persuaded that all of your problems are conceived and born in the sinful belief that something or someone other than Jesus Christ can quench the thirst of our souls. C. Samuel Storms

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 2:19; Level 2: Ephesians 2:19-22

Powered Up:  I can take my telescope and look millions of miles into space; but I can go away to my room and in prayer get neared to God and heaven than I can when assisted by all the telescopes of earth. Isaac Newton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are no coincidences with God. I was recently arrested and spent the last week in the Monmouth County Jail reflecting on my life and how I ended up in such a dark place at the age of 23. I thought about how I wasn't raised to be a drug user and that I knew God had a much higher purpose for me in life. I am now focused on finding that purpose, walking in the footsteps of the Lord, and fulfilling his mission for me. I logged onto the Keswick blog for the first time today and the message was "What does God have planned for you?" Today's scripture only gave me more trust in the Lord and assured me that if I follow a righteous path in his name, I will find that purpose. That doesn't mean it will be easy, but I am confident that the Lord will give me strength through this process.